Friday, July 3, 2009

The Reiki School Welcomes you

We have an energy healing school-- a Reiki training school -- that welcomes you and your friends and family to help make the community a better place.

Reiki has been around for several thousands of years.

It helps all raise their vibrational frequency.

Take a Reiki Class and learn energy healing. A Reiki seminar explains how this life force energy can make you happier and healthier.

Energy healing classes are given several times a year at the Reiki

What if you could become whole and complete again? We offer, through a series of Reiki simply taught and learned skills, a person could attract and channel some of the universe's limitless energy in a totally healing, helpful way?

Anyone can learn Reiki!

The Reiki School presents a Free energy healing Clinic -- the 2nd Sunday of each month just west of Chehalis WA. The Reiki School offers a full range of classes and complete programs of study from the beginning Level I Reiki to Master Teacher Level 3.

Beyond the traditional Reiki classes and Reiki workshops, we offer Laser Reiki classes and workshops LR level 1-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 where "Instant Pain Release" occurs.

We provide a nurturing, loving, supportive and caring Reiki community that helps and encourages Reiki students to progress at their most comfortable rate and reach their full potential. Expansion of your abilities is a never ending path that leads to freedom, peace and harmony.

key words: energy healing school, a Reiki training school ,reiki classes, energy healing classes, reiki workshop, energy healing workshop, reiki seminar, energy healing seminar

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